Apply for Programming Director- Central Ministry

Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Programming Director- Central Ministry
Department:Creative Arts
Location:Blankenbaker Campus
Type:Full Time
Contact Information
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Employment Application Southeast Christian Church
* Do you have the legal right to work in the United States? (Employment is contingent upon satisfactory proof of ability to work in the U.S.)
Yes   No
* Are you younger than 18 years of age? (Employment is contingent upon satisfactory proof of ability to work in the U.S.)
* Have you been convicted of a felony within the last seven years? (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment.)
* List your last 3 employers, dates employed from and to and your reason for leaving; please include Salary. If not applicable, please state reason.
Please list office skills, systems you have utilized and other qualifications you possess that would be of assistance for this role.
Please list your social media handles:
* Why is this role of interest?
* Why do you want to work at Southeast Christian Church?
* Do you have any relatives who are current or former Southeast Staff Members, Contractors or Vendors? If so please list their names here.
If you are applying for a minister's role, are you ordained?
If you are ordained, please state the date and place of ordination:
* List the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of 4 references we might contact. Please include one spiritual reference, one personal reference.
* What salary range do you require if selected for this position? (Do not reply "negotiable.")
* Are you subject to a non-compete or non-solicitation agreement with a previous employer? If yes, a copy of the agreement may be required.
* Are you a current or former Southeast Staff Member, Contractor or Vendor? If yes, please explain.
Were you referred to this role by a Southeast Staff Member? If yes, who? (One name only, please)
Christian Experience
* Have you been baptized by immersion? If so, when?
* How long have you been a Christian? Describe the highlights of your spiritual journey and how you came to personally know Jesus.  (Please attempt to keep your answers concise as the system will time out after 10 minutes.)
* What are your spiritual gifts as referenced in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4?
* Southeast Christian Church membership is required. Are you a member of Southeast?
* Briefly describe your previous church background and activities in which you were involved.
* What does your present involvement in church include?
* How do you grow and sustain yourself spiritually? How do you maintain physical and emotional health?
Statement of Faith - All are required to sign
* We believe
We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  (John 14:9-20; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 John 5:1-12)

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible.  (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 5:16, 45; 6:1, 4, 8, 9; Acts 17:24-28; Hebrews 11:3; James 1:17)

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the eternal Word, the one and only Savior. (John 1:1, 14, 29; 3:16; Philippians 2:6-11; Colossians 1:15-19; 1 John 4:9)

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, both fully human and fully divine; Who lived a sinless life; Who suffered and was crucified as an atonement for sin; Who rose again bodily from the dead on the third day; Who ascended into Heaven; and Who will return in victory to rule forever. (Luke 1:26-35; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 4:15; Romans 5:15-17; Luke 22:47-24:53; John 20:24-29; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Acts 1:1-9; Colossians 3:1; Revelation 1:7-8; 11:15)
; 11
We believe in the Holy Spirit

Who convicts of sin; Who indwells every Christian; Who helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us in prayer; and Who empowers us to a fruitful Christian life. (John 16:8; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14; Romans 8:26; Galatians 5:22-23)

We believe in the Bible, Gods Holy Word, Scripture.

We believe God inspired the original writings of the Scripture and those original writings were consequently without error.  (Mark 12:36; John 14:26; 16:12-15; Acts 1:16; 1 Corinthians 2:12-13; 2 Timothy 3:14-16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)

We believe that the Bible is the final authority for all matters of faith, truth, morality, and Christian living. (Isaiah 40:8; Psalm 119:11, 105; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Romans 15:4)  

We believe the Bible teaches that God is the Creator and Sustainer of human life; that God creates each person in His image; and that life is therefore sacred, from conception to natural death. We believe that God creates each person as male or female; that these two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image of God in humankind; and that each persons biological gender is an intrinsic, immutable aspect of his or her nature and identity. (Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:7, 21-22; Psalm 139:13-18)

We believe the Bible teaches that God established marriage in the beginning as a lifelong, exclusive relationship between one man and one woman; that he has reserved sexual intimacy as an expression of love and commitment between married couples; and that any intimate expression of sexuality outside of Biblical marriage is sin. (Genesis 2:23-25; Exodus 20:14, 17, 22:19; Leviticus 18:1-20, 22-23; 20:11-21; Matthew 19:4-6, 9; Romans 1:18-31; I Corinthians 6:9-10, 15-20; I Timothy 1:8-11; Jude 7)

We believe in the Gospel  the Good News of Salvation

That man, created by God, willfully sinned against God and is consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 53:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23)

That salvation, the forgiveness of sins, is only by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7)

That one receives salvation by putting faith in Christ, repenting of sin, and confessing Christ, and that the Bible commands every believer in Christ to be baptized by immersion. (Romans 5:1-2; 10:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 2:38, 3:19; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12; 1 Peter 3:21)

That those who have received salvation through faith in Jesus Christ are sent into the world to proclaim the gospel and to love and serve the world just as Jesus Himself did. (2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Ephesians 2:10; Matthew 28:18-20; John 20:21)

We believe in the Church of Jesus Christ, founded on the Day of Pentecost, consisting of all Christians everywhere, and organized into local assemblies, called churches (Matthew 16:13-18; Acts 2:14-47).  

We believe the Bible teaches that every Christian should be an active member of a local church.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)  

We believe that the Elders of the church are the overseers of its affairs and the shepherds of its members; that they are the final interpretive authority of the Bibles meaning and application for the church; and that they are responsible for the oversight, instruction, edification, discipline, and restoration of church members.   (1 Peter 5:1-4; Titus 1:9, 2:1-15; Hebrews 13:17; Matthew 18:15-17; Galatians 6:1; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13)

We believe that the Bible instructs church members to:

Meet together regularly for fellowship, worship, teaching, and the Lords Supper.  (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)  

Use our natural abilities and spiritual gifts to serve one another (Romans 12, 1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 5:13, 1 Corinthians 12:7)

Love one another, bear with one another, accept one another, and forgive one another (John 13:34-35; John 15:17, 1 John 4:7, 11; Romans 13:8; Ephesians 4:2, 32; Colossians 3:14, Romans 15:7)

Seek unity, agreement, and peace with one another (Romans 12:16, 18; 1 Thessalonians 5:13; Philippians 2:2; 2 Corinthians 13:11)

Encourage and build up one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Bear one anothers burdens and pray for one another (Galatians 6:2; James 5:16)

Spur one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)

Submit to the authority of the elders of the church (Hebrews 13:17)

Support the church financially (2 Corinthians 8:7, Malachi 3:10, 1 Timothy 5:17-18)

Pursue personal holiness and obedience to Gods Word (2 Corinthians 7:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:7, 1 Peter 1:15)

Strive together to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

By checking the box immediately following this statement I hereby certify that the information contained in this application and any attachments is true to the best of my knowledge and agree to have any of the statements checked by Southeast Christian Church (hereinafter referred to as SCC) unless I have indicated to the contrary. I authorize the references listed above to provide SCC any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information that they may have. Further I release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from use of such information by SCC. I understand that any misrepresentation, falsification or material omission of information may result in my failure to receive an offer, or, if I am hired, in my dismissal from employment.

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